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Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

Mission: The Philippine National Police (PNP), concurrent with its mission and functions, shall strengthen community engagement and forge alliance with various sectors of the community through the accreditation of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), people’s organizations and sectoral organizations. The organizations shall serve as force multipliers to assist the PNP in the maintenance of peace and order and the delivery of public safety services.

Levels of Accreditation

            The Philippine National Police (PNP) Accreditation Committee was organized at the National, Regional, District (National Capital Region), Provincial and Chartered City levels, purposely to screen and recommend approval of the accreditation of NGOs and People’s Organizations, and to perform other functions as may be necessary:

  1. The National Headquarters (NHQ) Accreditation Committee (NAC) shall have jurisdiction over Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) which have two (2) or more active regional chapters which are acknowledged partners of the National Support Units (NSUs) of the PNP;
  2. The Regional and District (NCR) Accreditation Committee (RAC) shall have jurisdiction over NGOs and POs which have two (2) or more active provincial chapters; and
  3. The Provincial and City Police Office Accreditation Committee (PCAC) shall have jurisdiction over NGOs and POs which chapter is limited within the City/Municipality.

General Guidelines that PNP Accredited NGOs should adhere to:

All Philippine National Police (PNP) accredited Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) must abide by the provisions set forth by PNP Memorandum Circular (MC) 2018-030, dated July 9, 2018, entitled “Revised Parameters/Guidelines for Accreditation of NGOs”:

1. Under para 6C – Guidelines in the Accreditation of NGOs, and People’s Organizations:

  1. Accredited NGO must report to concerned Committee on a monthly basis for monitoring whether they are performing their duties and responsibilities as partners, force multipliers or advocacy groups. In relation thereto, their accreditation and affiliation to any police units would be revoked based on the following grounds:
    1. Involvement in illegal activities;
    2. Failure to perform their duties and responsibilities; and
    3. Failure to report on the schedule set by concerned city/municipal, provincial, regional and national accreditation committees.
  2. Under para 6D – Mobilization of NGOs and POs:
    1. Depending on their capability and capacity, accredited NGOs shall be mobilized to assist on the following areas of concern:  criminality, terrorism, insurgency, illegal drugs, corruption, environmental protection, disaster response, and police community related activities;
    2. Shall not use/utilize any government resources to support any of their activities, except upon proper coordination and approval of concerned PNP offices/units.
  • Shall participate and initiate projects in accordance with their areas of concern/advocacies in coordination with LGUs and appropriate government agencies in the locality
    • Shall report to the nearest Police Stations/PCPs to complement the Barangay Peacekeeping Operation (BPO) of the PNP
    • Shall render information reports to the PNP, relating to the peace and order concerns
    • Shall actively participate/assist in giving information on anti-illegal drugs activities and actively participate in recovery and wellness program; and
  • Shall perform and support the PNP on the activities cited in the provisions of the Revised Police Operational Procedure (2013), to wit:
    • Section 11.3 (h) provides for the participation of civic groups in police checkpoints, provided that they are duly registered and accredited by the PNP;
    • Section 20.1 (f) provides for certain visitational right of accredited NGOs to any persons arrested and detained with the PNP; and
    • Section 33.5 (i) allows turn-over of custody of a Child in Conflict with Law (CICL) to accredited NGOs.
  • Under para 6E – Monitoring of NGOs and POs:
    • Submission of quarterly and annual reports to the following
      • NGO at the national level shall submit report/s to the NAC through PCRG;
      • NGO at the regional shall submit report/s to the RAC through the RPCRD/DPCRD, duly endorsed by the PD; and
      • NGO at the provincial and chartered city level shall submit report/s to the PCAC through the PCRB, duly endorsed by the COP.
    • Three (3) months prior to the expiration of their accreditation with the PNP, concerned NGOs shall submit a request for renewal of accreditation subject, to the requirements set by the Committee.

Contact Us and Visit Us

Community Assistance and Development Division (CADD), PCADG: 723-0401 local 7053

Viber Number: 0977-054-2029

Email Address:

Office Address: Child Development Center (CDC), Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City

Community Assistance and Development Division (CADD) Facebook Page: PCADG-Community Assistance and Development Division