Facets of a Woman


A woman carries her burden with grace and eases through her smiles despite pain and suffering. She is capable of handling and juggling different roles defying her capacity to bear responsibilities. Her strength is immeasurable in physical and emotional terms.

Women are the light of our homes and the ones who nurture us to become better individuals. We are the product of the love of our mothers enabling us to become compassionate people towards others.

This month we pay tribute to the women in our society, workplace, and in our homes who remained strong despite the adversities that were thrown their way.

Women are strong beyond physical strength because they face a myriad of challenges from childbirth, rearing children, balancing work, family, and holding responsibilities at work while managing and solving problems.

We admire the tenacity of women despite being the gentler gender. We have witnessed the capacity of women in our workplace and community by being able to withstand pain and loss yet still able to comfort others.

We are surrounded by admirable women from the fish vendor who comes early to sell the food staple, the vendor who offers vegetables, your diligent manicurist and beautician, teacher, nurturing mother, caregiver, banker, policewoman, traffic enforcer, soldier, nurse, mother, and many other roles.

A woman may be faced with many challenges yet her compassion and love for others always endure. She is the glue that binds families, relationships, and friendships.

A woman is a protector in her own right, a bridge, peacekeeper and her strength is her beauty and armor. Let us celebrate each other and the women in our lives. Thank you for remaining standing and strong. Hail to the women in our society!

Mabuhi ang mga kababayen-an!

(This article was previously posted on Cebu Police Provincial Office Facebook Page. Written by: NUP Merlie A Dacunos)


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